5" x 80 Gauge x 500' "DO NOT BREAK LOAD"

Goodwrappers® Identi-Wrap boldly displays your special handling instructions by simply wrapping film around unitized product eliminating the need for labels. Two dispensers are included in each case.

"GOODID5DNBL" - 5" x 80 Gauge x 500' "DO NOT BREAK LOAD"

5" x 80 Gauge x 500' "DO NOT DOUBLE STACK"

Goodwrappers® Identi-Wrap boldly displays your special handling instructions by simply wrapping film around unitized product eliminating the need for labels. Two dispensers are included in each case.

"GOODID5DNDS" - 5" x 80 Gauge x 500' "DO NOT DOUBLE STACK"

5" x 80 Gauge x 500' "FRAGILE"

Goodwrappers® Identi-Wrap boldly displays your special handling instructions by simply wrapping film around unitized product eliminating the need for labels. Two dispensers are included in each case.

"GOODID5FRAG" - 5" x 80 Gauge x 500' "FRAGILE"

5" x 80 Gauge x 500' "RED HOT RUSH"

Goodwrappers® Identi-Wrap boldly displays your special handling instructions by simply wrapping film around unitized product eliminating the need for labels. Two dispensers are included in each case.

"GOODID5RHR" - 5" x 80 Gauge x 500' "RED HOT RUSH"

5" x 80 Gauge x 500' "DO NOT TOP LOAD"

Goodwrappers® Identi-Wrap boldly displays your special handling instructions by simply wrapping film around unitized product eliminating the need for labels. Two dispensers are included in each case.

GOODID5DNTL - 5" x 80 Gauge x 500' "DO NOT TOP LOAD"

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