15 x 12 x 10" Economy File Storage Boxes

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• Economical two-piece kraft storage boxes
• Reinforced tear-resistant hand holes make box comfortable to carry

• Boxes feature a write on area on two sides for labeling with content information
• Sold in cases of 12

15 x 12 x 10" Economy File Storage Boxes is available to buy in increments of 12
15 x 12 x 10" Economy File Storage Boxes. Removable lid keeps files clean yet accessible. Designed to store 12" of legal files or 15" of letter files. Convenient pre-printed panels on 2 sides for content identification. Folds together fast! No tape or glue needed. Sold in case quantities.
More Information
Ad Copy #1 File folders fit neatly within box.
Ad Copy #2 Designed to store 12" of legal files or 15" of letter files. Convenient pre-printed panels on 2 sides for content identification. Folds together fast! No tape or glue needed. Sold in case quantities.
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Freight Class 125
Order in Multiples of 12
Qty Per Shipping Unit 12 PER CASE
Sell Price UOM EA
Shipping UOM EACH
Strength/Material ECT-32-B Corrugated
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15 x 12 x 10" Economy File Storage Boxes