3/8", 1,200 lb, Manila Rope

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3/8", 1,200 lb, Manila Rope Premium grade fiber rope. Resists abrasion and stretching. Knots easily. Great for industrial, construction and landscaping tasks.
More Information
Ad Copy #1 Premium grade biodegradable fiber rope.
Ad Copy #2 Perfect for industrial, construction and exterior jobs and tasks.
Associated keywords if any Twine, Tying, Sisal, Tensile Strength, Fastener, String, Rope, Secure
Freight Class 70
Order in Multiples of 1
Qty Per Shipping Unit 1 PER CASE
Sell Price UOM EA
Shipping UOM EACH
Strength/Material 1200 lb. Tensile Strength
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3/8", 1,200 lb, Manila Rope